Video in picture Gallery

I have a picture-gallery and would like to add some videos to the picture-gallery.

PS: I do not aim to upload those videos to any other ‘social’ plattform (only in order to the upload the URL to anymod).

My goal is to add several videos to anymod’s Image-photogallery.

Which way would be best to accomplish this task?

We don’t currently offer video hosting. Usually people will use something like Vimeo or YouTube since they have networks dedicated to fast streaming. You can also host the files yourself, though the files may not load as fast.

Video hosting can be a little bit expensive at scale – do you think it’s something you would want as part of the Anymod platform if it had a small fee attached to it, similar to Vimeo?

I will rather upload the videos to my own server in that case.
Thank you for your detailed and quick reply!!

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