Video Carousel


I am looking for a Mod with a slider to present a gallery of Videos in a fullscreen-popup. Such a Mod would :

  • show static video-preview-images of all Videos
  • skip through the video-preview-images using arrows at the left and at the right.
  • show The Name of the Video and The lenght of the video
  • Open the Video Fullscreen inside of a layer onclick
  • Only self-hosted Videos will be provided (no youtube no Vimeo requiered)

Screenshot to show what it might look like:

PS: Below each preview-image the screenshot also displays some text-information we do not need: like the Day the video was posted, a category, or the number of views the video has (not needed)

I guess this might be a bit complicated to develop, as it has a slider, AND the Video-PopUp-Layer, as well as a Play/pause-Method, and must also work on mobile.

Would such a “Video-Gallery-Slider” be something AnyMod might like to develop and add to the Template-Section?

If not, then I will probably not develop it on my own, but rather try to sell my client a different solution instead of such a “gallery of videos” :wink:

We might work without the image-video-tumbnails. And not use Popup’s or layers: Instead embed a NAV-Bar at the right hand side. See : Video-Galery --> “View this example” on this Link :

Would this be reusable for Videos as well?


this seems especially cool for Video Embeds:


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Would it be faesible to use this MOD as a starting point and display Videos instead of Images inside of the fullScreenLayer?

Of cause, the Video player would merely receive the Video URLs .

That solution would rely on little Images showing a Preview of each Video, and the URLs to trigger the corresponding Video onClick (play the mp4 )

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This is a nice idea Stefan, we will look into it for a Module Monday soon and see if it’s doable!

This is really really great news! I surfed the web yesterday night and informed myself about the potential ways to create such a Video Slider with some Modal Lightbox in case the preview-Images are clicked.

There are some ready-made solutions on the market already of cause.

I will allow myself to simply paste the URLs I collected with regard to this task here inside this ticket.

I hope the creator of this new mod will find some of them a bit helpful perhaps :

This one has an interesting “Video within modals” but no slider, maybe It is sufficient to only work with modals, but ont with a Slider . The Imortant part is to have a MODAL I think:

The below URL has a category headline called !" VIDEOS / EMBEDS "! very convincing and strong , I think : they take a pure JavaScript Approach :

jQuery Approach below :

a separate player (not needed)

And this URL (see below) comes closest to what I had in mind originally: But I am open for any result , if it helps me to display some 5 to 10 Video-Pre-Views , and the videos can be presented fullscreen on Desktop and mobile ; )

PS: If you decide you will not create this new Video Collection MOD , please drop me a short notice! I need to know :wink:

We have it in the queue, but don’t have a timeline planned. If it’s time-sensitive, you may want to try it on your own :+1:

Okay, I will implement a template from anymod featuring one Video-Element (per Mod).

And I will use that mod 12 times , as a ‘workaround’ for now.

I would still love to see a template for a video-Slider.

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