Survive the startup phase

Good news: I spoke with a potential new client this morning and I successfully sold the AnyMod-CMS-System to him. Amongst other things, he also liked my anymod-demo. It really helped to show him a demo using his live page to make him grasp the new functionality he will gain. I did that cloning his startpage. I strongly guess he will sign my contract. Just one question: provided anymod will not survive the startup phase and
cease to exist :wink: will my customer still be able to use anymod in such a scanario? Sorry to ask such a question :wink:

Hi Stefan, that is always a great question to ask for services! In our case, the platform is already making more money than it costs to operate, so it really wouldn’t make much sense to shut it down. So if the worst case happened, you might lose customer support, but we would plan to continue operating the platform since it makes financial sense to do so in any scenario.

Ok thank you that is good to learn :smile: