Site not loading anymod content all of a sudden

Wondering if anyone can help me sort out why my site is suddenly not loading any content today. It was working a few hours ago - no changes have been made.

The anymod blocks show, but without the data… weird?

Inspecting console on page shows “Problem evaluating mod JS [aaarna]: TypeError: Vue is not a constructor”

Vue upgraded their default to v3 without any real warning, so we need to go back and set to v2 explicitly. You can do so in your mod in the meantime, or you can wait about an hour and the change should be propagated by then.

@benobi This has been fixed.

It looks like you might have added an import statement at the beginning of your mod’s JS code, and that will need to be reverted if so. Here is a working example: QuantumBlok | AnyMod

Thank you for reporting!

Done! Thank you so much!