Search via fulltext-search

Ah! Did anybody ever ask you if it is possible to search through an entire project via fulltext-search? Next week I will have to change a lot of Link-urls inside of a lot of Mods (inside just one project). I guess there is no way to search across all mods for url strings used inside text.fields or html.fields, is there? Probably not. Just a thought…

I can already see such a task comming up for me. Probably next week. I will absolutely easily manage to search, and find and change those urls via chrome inspector. And then change them via anymod… That will be No problem at all. I just had the thought . So I decided to mention it. Does the seachfield in the mod.list.view allow to seach within the entire html markup, or merely the text? Anyway, this one is not a relevant one for me at all

You should be able to do a full text search already from your project dashboard – it will include text and html fields. You can search for the image URL (or part of it), and it should return any results that have that URL fragment. Let me know if you have questions

fabulous. I just did not expect that, an therefore, I missed to test this prior to creating my ticket :wink: I should have just done that first, but I was on my mobile when the thought came to mind ; ) I tested the searchbar this morning. The Result was great: I was able to easily narrow down to those Mod’s containing the desired URL-Strings via the searchbar on my project dashboard! Fabulous !