Problem with IE11

Hey Tyler, I got a call from one of my clients, telling me their site does not work on IE Browsers. I looked into it and found out that apparently the issue does exist on all of my anymod webpages when browsed with IE Version 11.345.

The console reports a ReferenceError: ‘Promise’ is undefined. It is deriving from the V1 Script

Should I try and use a polyfill like advised here: and here

ps: The customer was not too upset, but he had two friends who both used ie11 and thus saw the blank page. I am also not too worried. I Hope those users may soon switch to the edge browser

We may have introduced a bug with some recent changes. We are investigating and should have a fix soon. Thank you for reporting.

v1 is fixed; v2 should be up shortly. We do have a polyfill similar to what you suggested, called Anymod.Promise :+1:

v2 is also fixed now; please let me know if you continue to experience issues