Position of code editor bars

Hi Tyler, this is a minor issue only: The position of those Bars is not persistent on pageload.
I would love the position of those ‘handle-bars’ to remain where they where:
Once I dragged them to another place than the place they initial ly had as their default position… , I would love my ‘settings’ to persist, even after the next pageload.

The position is saved in the URL currently ( v=57&h1=43&h2=83 in your screen shot), so if you copy the URL or reload the page, it will have the layout you chose. If you navigate from your dashboard though, it will start from the default.

Is your use case that you want each mod to always remember your last layout, or would you rather have a setting that applies to all mods?

that is a good question: I would like the position of those bars in the editor (html/css/js) to always remain the same way I dragged them. I dag the bars to different places regarding the content of that specific Mod. Thus I would not desire one setting for aoo of my mods alike, but rather would I like to have one setting (for the Bars-position) for each mod individually. This is why: Very often I will only use html and css, but no JS. Then again, on other mods, I will use HTML and JS but no css. Again in other cases, I am using HTML only. So in the latter case, for example, I will drag the html-field as large as possible. When I come back to my specific Mod the next day, I would like to the bars to be positioned in the same location I dragged them to ‘yesterday’. Of cause this is not a high priority thing, but a convenient ‘nice to have’ thing ; )

Great feedback, I have added this to our roadmap of things that will be nice to have. The more you can stay “in the zone”, the better your work will be :grinning: