New Domain whitelisted

I changed the domain name inside one of my anymod projects today. I changed the domain name from formerly to Same content otherwise.

I missed to realize I still had to do the whitelisting as everything looked perfectly all right on my browser-screen after I had altered the domain Name! Once I realized there is an issue nevertheless, I whitelisted

The issue I am reporting is this: The content got displayed although the (new) domain was not whitelisted.
This holds true at least for such browsers formerly successfully capable to display the content successfully.
Let me explain my last sentence further:

The page-content will load after the domain name is changed, even if the new domain name is not inside the whitelist of allowed domains, provided the page-content was formerly already once loaded successfully. At least that is my suspicion.

I am reporting this without any further tests on this matter.
My suspicion is that some anymod-data might be stored in my browsers localstorage maybe? And thus the content is allowed even though the domain is not whitelisted? Once I have loaded the page content successfully, I will always be allowed, no matter what? Or was I allowed only due to the fact I was logged in at anymod at that time? Could not say. But the page owner was also capable to see the content even though the domain was not whitelisted, and he was not logged in at anymod at that time.

As mentioned, the website owner also did not realize any issues, but the website owner today happened to proudly present his page to some of his clients! And those remained unable to load the page. Some pages did load, but they loaded painfully slow. I don’t now if this is related or not. I will just report the case the way it happened.

So: while me and the website owner where able to load the page although the domain was not whitelisted, other people who initially attempted to load that content for the first time, where not able to successfully load that content.

Hi Stefan, thank you for reporting. Our team is currently looking at your API delivery issue, and the issue you just described is probably related. I believe we will be able to issue a fix for this soon. I’ll reach out to confirm when we do so that you can see if it’s still an issue.

Hi Stefan, for the site, is the content being loaded via the script or via the API?

Also, have you been able to replicate the issue since it happened?

Hi Tyler. I invested another 30 Minutes on this, just to follow up on the matter for you: I tried to replicate this issue for you testwise. To replicate this issue for you: I created the new project and placed one mod on this document: I set the scurity like this

and then requested the page without success. As expected the mod did not load due to the missing whitelisting. Then I added the necessary whitelisting for the Domain, and the mod showed up. So far so good. I then called the very same Page again, but via a different domain! I called the page via the NON-whitelisted http://temp-example-site.ORG/tyler.html and called the page content again, this time withOUT success. That means, I was unable to replicate the issue. I was not able to call the anymod content from the COM domain. You may close this ticket :wink: I was unable to replicate the isse, it was not possible to load the anymod content via my non-whitelisted ORG Domain only because I previously successfully loaded the same page from my COM Domain.

Thank you for following up!