Lazy Loading for images

Hi Tyler, on my current webproject, I feel I do not really need to add a lazy Loading plugin as those non-visible-images ( on pageload ) already load in a good manner.
So this is just a general question regarding anymod and lazy-loading. Is there anything specific (or general) I should know regarding anymod, when it comes to lazy-loading large image-galleries with anymod?

Generally speaking, modern browsers will do a good job of prioritizing which images to load, so the main focus should be on loading the right size images and from a CDN.

It used to be the case that load order was more important, because http1 only allowed 6 concurrent downloads. Modern browsers (IE11+) all support http2, which allows many more resources to load in parallel, so you don’t see as much about lazy loading etc anymore, unless the resource you want to load is large.

that was very interesting to learn! Thank you Tyler