Help needed - GDPR Integration

the below anymod template needs a GDPR input Field and submit-Function to be applicable in Europe :

I cloned the form into a public project for you

I defined the requirements for you
The result of such an update would look similar to the below form, which is already GDPR capable. So the below (public) mod might serve as a reference:

The desired solution includes

  • A Button which will is only be clickable AFTER the GDPR-statement was confirmed:
    <button class="btn waves-effect waves-light btn-large blue" :class="{ disabled: sending || !gdpr }" :disabled="sending || !gdpr" type="submit" name="action"> Submit your message<i class="material-icons right">send</i> </button>

  • An integration of the requiered function into = false

    if (!this.sending) console.log('sending is not empty: ’ + this.sending)
    if (!this.message) return this.alert = ‘Please add your message’
    if (!this.gdpr) return this.alert = ‘Please select the GDPR box above’

    gdprAgreement: this.gdpr

Who can support the integration of this GDPR-Function into the above mentioned Anymod Template Form?
I will reference to it again :slight_smile: This Form needs gdpr-compliance:

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Thanks for asking! We would recommend using the existing GDPR form as an example, and modifying the mod in question to have the same functionality.

It might be a good startingpoint and playground for me to learn more about vue.js

I will work my way into this, and certainly find a soultion.

PS: I did already try to use the existing Mod as an example and copy the logic over into the new form, but I failed somewhere and did not grasp why and where I failed. (that attempt was performed some month ago)

I will try again to add the nessesary gdpr requirements to that form.

I will succeed in the end :wink:

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