Hi Tyler,
I created a new project today on : http://stefanoliver.de/NeueWebsite/index.html
The initial page-load did not load and The console came up with an error-message, as documented below.
I had already added my Domainname to the anymod-project at that time.
I took another look and found out the domainname was not stored within the anymod-interface. So I added the domainname to the project once again. Afterwards The page did not have any errors anymore.
ISSUE #1: I feel anymod already had an error-Warning message for the console, to inform the developer in case the potential reason for the missing page was (= “This domain is not allowed for this anymod-project”) https://i.snag.gy/O34zfs.jpg I this console.log warning no longer available, or was I wrong and such a warning never existed in the first place? Not sure ; )
ISSUE #2: The domain-name was not stored after I entered it into this interface . This is the screenshot: https://i.snag.gy/z5wLDo.jpg and this is the URL: https://anymod.com/projects/84E627/settings