Hey, I’m seeing some weird saving bug in this mod: https://anymod.com/mod/dldba/content
I forked a built-in image gallery mod and replaced most of the content. There was one image from the default content left over so I deleted it from the content editor but every now and then it appears back again.
When I make changes in the content editor and hit Publish I see the Published! message but then when I try to go to the Code tab or click the AnyMod logo top-left I see a ‘You have unsaved changes’ warning. Then the deleted photo appears back in the content.
Could you take a look and see what’s happening please?
Sorry if this sounds confusing but it’s a confusing bug! It doesn’t happen all the time that I move between pages/tabs but it’s happened at least 5 times in the last 20 minutes. I can’t seem to be rid of that last default image I deleted! Very strange!