I was always afraid the below scenario might happen some day: and Today it finally happened!
One of my clients decided it was a good idea to add this static metatag into the HTML Section of one regular MOD:
< meta content=“width=1024” name=“viewport”>
It took me almost 80 Minutes to find out why the entire page did no longer display responsively on mobile devices.
Once I finally spotted the issue, it was easy to solve the issue.
I merely had to delete that stupid metatag viewport with its 1024px static width.
Afterwards I decided to DELETE all Teammembers across all my procejts and INVITE them again as mere CONTENT EDITORS. I wanted to make sure I am the only person in control of the HTMl / CSS and JS CODE !
I would like to ask the following question:
Will CONTENT EDITORS receive EMAILS ? My question relates to the following situation: A user fills out the FORM and sends a message (via an Anymod FORM on the page))
Best Stefan