This is not urgend for me as long as my client never has the idea to test their page on the latest internet-explorer.
user: sky
pass: group
But if they do, they will most likely not be amused about the NAVIGATION pane not showing up at all.
This will cause the users to be totally unable to browser the website on the latest IE, because the portal only offers those URLs via the Navigation. We did not link to other pages within the homepage itself. The only place to keep surfing the webpage is via the navigation-menu.
So whenever my client will surf the page on the latest IE, I fear this issue might become urgend pretty quickly. If you prefer, we may wait until my client will stumble upon this error and the issue will turn urgend and relevant.
If I ready the information on correctly, then the latest IE does have a market share of 1.85% . So, less than 2% of all users will browse via the latest IE.
Maybe my client will stay calm and cool
Maybe the issue never arises as they will not stumble upon it.
I still feel it would be nice to tackle that issue one day.