Another Hero Module

user: sky
pass: power

my Screen Resolution is 1280x720

Thanks for reporting! We’ve issued a fix, which you can merge here:

Thank you Tyler!

I performed my very first “Merge-Process” with Anymod today!

It worked very very flawless. I am very impressed. The URL you provided already knew which of my mods to merge with. Cool: And all I had to do was push that merge button.

Also the Diff-Visualisation was cool !

I played with that merge-option a bit more: I realized the user can also choose to only merge solely the JS. Or merely the css assets libaries, and so on… Pretty cool.

I can see how that concept of “child CSS Themes” might fit into the picture. This would make merging much easier. And even If the user does not automatically merge, that DiffChecker still helps a lot to spot the changes and easily implement the nessesary changes manually.

Thank you a lot for the Fix, and thank you for providing that merge URL !

Have a great day ahead of you ; )

Hi Stefan, thanks for the kind words :partying_face:. And you’ve seen @damion on here – he built most of what you just described!