AMP project for anymod

Hi Tyler, this Post wll probably be my the first post you might consider totally off topic :wink: And you are most likely totally right :wink: I investigated into something called AMP-HTML during last week. I happend to stumble upon AMP-HTML and was taken aback about how I could have possibly been able to miss out on this new tecnicue google presented in 2014. AMP offers superfast Pageload for pages specifically build for mobile devices. When searching via google, the result page will be dilivered directly from google cache. The result is truely lightning fast. As I usually offer my customers to add responsive CSS to their old pages, this new way of delivering mobile optimized pages totally thrills me. And I was wondering: IF I am using AnyMod on the Desktop Page for the customer to be able to use a CMS System, it would be just so grand to use the same set of data inside a second page, offerning the same content inside an APM-Page again. Okay so my basic question is if you are familiar with AMP or at least have heared about it already? And more specifically, AMP will prohibit Script-Tags unless their type is application/ld+json . and all javascript must be loaded asynchroniously. My information comes along pretty half-baked , and so does my question. But I see great potential in case it might be possible to reuse anymod on AMP PAges, making it possible to easily create and maintain additional mobile first webpages for webprojects . But I must admit I rather guess it will totally not be possible to use anymod inside the very very restrictive AMP-HTML environment. Though if it was possible, that would be truely phenomenal added-value. … Anyway, just wanted to share my thoughts, I will proceed to read more about “AMP CMS” Systems during the upcomming weeks

Hi Stefan, this is a great question. You are right that AMP is very strict on what it allows for scripts, and currently Anymod would not work “out of the box” with AMP. This has caused some problems in the JS community (React, Angular, Vue, etc) and there has been quite a bit of pushback against the AMP team to allow non-AMP JavaScript because it is hard for most teams to maintain both sites. The only alternative today is to rewrite all pages in AMP’s format (HTML + very limited JS).

You could get around this by doing server-side rendering of AMP pages using our data-only endpoint ( on your server, and that would work well today. However it does require writing your page HTML & JS specifically for AMP.

yes. There will be no way around rewriting the pages to gain a mobile version while meeting AMP’s requirements. I was just wondering if I can find a way to use anymod inside amp-specific pages. that way I would at least not have to edit images and text twice (provided I am using a static desktop-page with no other CMS established for desktop) . I thought about having one amp-html-sceleton for mobile version with my amp-html , and another one for the desktop with the standard html-sceleton, both rendering the same anymod content. Okay, so in order to establish this, I would need to render my amp-pages server-side. And make use of that anymod-data-only endpoint. I fear I might end up having more additional work than I would hope for :wink: Anyway, interesting thought, and interesting learnings. I would love to do it that way, one day. I would love to offer customers who run on old cms-systems and have nice desktop-websites , to switch to a new anymod cms PLUS gain a lightning fast mobile version for their portal. Currently I offer to add responsive CSS to their existing old page, but that is a bigger hassle than I ever imagined it to be :wink: Anyway, nice thought.

That is great feedback. We do plan to offer server-side rendering tools in the future, so it would be easier once we have those too.

We would likely build it on top of nuxt.js ( as it has some of those features and uses Vue. Still early, but as it evolves we will look at it more closely.

I would truely loove that! That nuxt thing sounds very promising as to deliver anymod serverside might be a huge benefit (when it comes to amp eccosystem thoughts :wink: But to be honest: As far as I am concerned, I might have too little serverside experience to get this going. I am not sure if my service-provider would enable me (allow me) to run Nuxt on my hosted server anyway . i once tried to get my own node.js instance running on my hosted server-provider but was disallowed to do so on my hosted server. As you can probably guess from my reply, I might not be literate enough to get this going anyway. :wink: Well, and as you mentioned, this would only be available way ahead in the future anyway. Have a good start into the day.